Remedy Search

Clay avatarWe all know and love Remedy. And the web interface makes things even more clumsy…

But I’ve finally discovered how to write the query which shows all of my unresolved cases:

  1. Go to
  2. Log in
  3. Click ‘Search Cases’
  4. Click ‘Advanced Search’
  5. Type the following into the box on the bottom of the screen and click ‘Search’:

('Assignee' = "Clay Leeds") AND ('Status' < "Resolved")

Of course you’ll want to change “Clay Leeds” to your own name, unless you want to see what’s on my plate…

I recommend the command is formatted exactly like the above, or it won’t work:

  • single quotes around query attributes
  • double quotes around query values
  • ALL CAPS for ‘AND’ boolean

This is handy, so I can pare down my list of tickets.


bash history & completion tips

This is an oldie… bind the up and down arrow keys to searching `bash` history:


The post below shows the old method… Here’s an updated version:

# make bash autocomplete with up arrow
bind '"\e[A":history-search-backward'
bind '"\e[B":history-search-forward'

# make tab cycle through commands instead of listing
bind '"\t":menu-complete'

Type this into vi ~/.bash_profile, and in place of


type control + v, then up arrow. In place of


type control + v then down arrow. (Control V tells vi to put the next character in the doc, rather than just moving up when you press up arrow etc.)

bind '"<up>":history-search-backward'
bind '"<down>":history-search-forward'

Then close all Terminal windows, and quit the app, then open Terminal again and you should have the feature.


PS, don’t forget to add these to your .inputrc while you’re at it:
set show-all-if-ambiguous on
set completion-ignore-case on

StorageMojo » Everything You Know About Disks Is Wrong

StorageMojo » Everything You Know About Disks Is Wrong
Everything You Know About Disks Is Wrong
February 20th, 2007 by Robin Harris in Enterprise, Clusters

Which do you believe?

* Costly FC and SCSI drives are more reliable than cheap SATA drives.
* RAID 5 is safe because the odds of two drives failing in the same RAID set are so low.
* After infant mortality, drives are highly reliable until they reach the end of their useful life.
* Vendor MTBF are a useful yardstick for comparing drives.

According the one of the “Best Paper” awards at FAST ‘07, none of these are backed by empirical evidence.