WPMU Enterprise
WPMU-Enterprise allows the site admins to have multi, multi-user blogs on one install of wordpress.
Starting with WP 1.5, many of us had to find a solution to upgrade/manage mutiple sinlge wp blogs. This was solved with the release of wpmu. From there, many of us then had to figure out a way to upgrade/manage multiple mu blogs. This is an attempt to solve this problem.
- Multiple MU blogs ex. domain1.com, domain2.com, subdomain.domain1.com, etc.
- Different site admins for each mu blog.
- Different mu blogs are maintained as companies
- Each site admin is given it’s own company to manage blogs, sites and users.
- Domain name mapping
WPMU 2.6.1
- Manage multiple mu-sites with one wordpress install.
- Assign site admins to companies and restrict their access to blogs, users.
- You have to edit 3 core files.
- Can only be used if you are using subdomains.
Month: September 2008
A good url regular expression ?
A good url regular expression ?
RegExr: Online Regular Expression Testing Tool
RegExr: Online Regular Expression Testing Tool
b[A-Z0-9._%+-]+@[A-Z0-9.-]+.[A-Z]{2,4}b is a more complex pattern. It describes a series of letters, digits, dots, underscores, percentage signs and hyphens, followed by an at sign, followed by another series of letters, digits and hyphens, finally followed by a single dot and between two and four letters. In other words: this pattern describes an email address.
WhatsMyIP.org mod_gzip Test
Nifty tool to check to see if a site is serving gzip’d pages…
WhatsMyIP.org mod_gzip Test
Nifty tool to check to see if a site is serving gzip’d pages…
9-11 YouTube video test
[kml_flashembed movie=”http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TtTPhCj6_K4″ width=”425″ height=”350″ wmode=”transparent” /]
anarchy bastardized
[kml_flashembed movie=”http://www.youtube.com/v/TtTPhCj6_K4″ width=”425″ height=”350″ wmode=”transparent” /]
viper’s video quicktags
Viper’s video quicktags bastardized
Regular Expression Tools
- RegExr is an excellent web-based utility that helps you construct a RegEx query by showing you results in real time. Hits are highlighted as you write your expression.Â
- Regular Expression Tutorial - This regular expression tutorial teaches you every aspect of regular expressions. Each topic assumes you have read and understood all previous topics. So if you are new to regular expressions, I recommend you read the topics in the order presented.
- tuaw tip regular expressions for beginners
Farbtastic: jQuery color picker plug-in | Steven Wittens – Acko.net
Farbtastic is a jQuery plug-in that can add one or more color picker widgets into a page through JavaScript. Each widget is then linked to an existing element (e.g. a text field) and will update the element’s value when a color is selected.
Download Farbtastic 1.2 – 8 January 2007 (License: GPL).
Farbtastic: jQuery color picker plug-in | Steven Wittens – Acko.net
Javascript Format and Colour
This is a nifty tool to format JavaScript that has been mini-fied. Very nifty for reading JavaScript (although it doesn’t get your function names back, if they’ve been obfuscated…).