Weapons of Mass Destruction Not Found

Weapons of Mass Destruction Not FoundThis was a ‘Google Bomb‘ for the phrase ‘Weapons of Mass Destruction‘ that occurred when you typed it into Google, and clicked ‘I’m feeling lucky!’ For some reason, the search result disappeared from the face of G, but I was able to find it in G Images here. I like the little red link at the bottom… I’d love one of those shirts…

Mark’s Freedom Interactive get together pics

Andersen and MichaelMark Warrick took some nice shots at the Freedom Interactive get together:


While there, we learned about the State of Freedom Interactive, that the number to beat is $53M, ate some nuts and enjoyed ourselves. David Atkins wants more sales guys, Michael offered up Terry‘s content team and Pranav Desai is ready to be hired full-time. I wonder if he’s any good at sales? Continue reading “Mark’s Freedom Interactive get together pics”

Mark’s Freedom Interactive get together pics

Andersen and MichaelMark Warrick took some nice shots at the Freedom Interactive get together:


While there, we learned about the State of Freedom Interactive, that the number to beat is $53M, ate some nuts and enjoyed ourselves. David Atkins wants more sales guys, Michael offered up Terry‘s content team and Pranav Desai is ready to be hired full-time. I wonder if he’s any good at sales? Continue reading “Mark’s Freedom Interactive get together pics”