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MailTo Syntax
The MailTo command can do more than enter a single e-mail address in the “Send To” field while activating your e-mail program. It can also:
Feature | Syntax | |
Address message to multiple recipients | , (comma separating e-mail addresses) | |
Add entry in the “Subject” field | subject=Subject Field Text | |
Add entry in the “Copy To” or “CC” field | [email protected] | |
Add entry in the “Blind Copy To” or “BCC” field | [email protected] | |
Add entry in the “Body” field | body=Your message here Within the body use “%0A” for a new line, use “%0A%0A” for a new line preceded by a blank line (paragraph), see example below. |
” “ (beginning and ending double quotes) are necessary if any spaces are used Mailto parameter should be preceded by “?” for the first or only parameter and “&” for second and subsequent parameter.
Some examples, with actual HTML Code included, follow:
- <a href=”mailto:[email protected]”>MailTo with Multiple Recipients
- <a href=”mailto:[email protected],[email protected]“>MailTo with Subject
- <a href=”mailto:[email protected]?subject=Comments from MailTo Syntax Page“>
- <a href=”mailto:[email protected][email protected]“>MailTo with a Blind Copy
- <a href=”mailto:[email protected][email protected]“>MailTo with message already started in Body
- <a href=”mailto:[email protected]?body=I am having trouble finding information on “>MailTo with multiline message in Body
- <a href=”mailto:[email protected]?body=The message’s first paragraph.%0A%0aSecond paragraph.%0A%0AThird Paragraph.“>NOTE: Use “%0A” for a new line, use “%0A%0A” for a new line preceded by a blank line.
Features may be used in combination
- MailTo with Subject, a Recipient, a Copy and a Blind Copy
- <a href=”mailto:[email protected]?subject=MailTo Comments&[email protected]&[email protected]”>
Remember to use only one ? (question mark), when providing multiple entries beyond e-mail address
My first post from my iPhone & free from Freedom
Is this thing on? Yay! First post! 😉
Computer 3D From a Long Time Ago in a Galaxy Far, Far Away
Get rid of categories / comments info in Pressrow posts? « WordPress.com Forums
This guy on this post looks a lot like someone I know…
Get rid of categories / comments info in Pressrow posts? « WordPress.com Forums.
Source Code of Several Atari 7800 Games Released! | ProgrammerFish – Everything that’s programmed!
Source Code of Several Atari 7800 Games Released! | ProgrammerFish – Everything that’s programmed!.
Remember the Dig Dug or Centipede or Robotron? They used to be favorites whe
n Atari’s 7800 series was still around. Now since the era of those consoles is over and a different world of interactive reality gaming has taken over, Atari has unofficially released source code of over 15 games for the coders and enthusiasts to admire the state-of-the-art (because this is what it was back then). During those times nobody would have imagined in their wildest dreams the games that Atari’s developers floated into the gaming thirsty market and instantly swept across continental boundaries. But things changed soon after that and a company once regarded as one of the most successful gaming console manufacturers and developers faded away in the pages of our technology’s hall-of-fame.
In an official release, Atari has quoted that the purpose of the release is to give potential developers insight into the Atari’s gaming platform so they may possibly build upon the 7800 series.
I have collected of the game’s banners:
Let’s make the web faster – Google Code
Let’s make the web faster – Google Code.
Some choice excerpts:
CSS: Using every declaration just once
Using every CSS declaration only once is an effective way to reduce file size of style sheets. It’s not a trivial optimization technique though: Watch over the cascade and adjust your editing workflow.
HTTP caching
Web pages can load much faster on repeated visits if the resources come from the cache. Learn about two groups of HTTP headers that make all the difference.
Optimizing web graphics
Optimizing your web illustrations, icons, and graphics is one of the simplest yet most effective ways to decrease your page load time. In this tutorial, we discuss image file formats and optimize some real Google graphics for faster download on the web.
PC (John Hodgman) calls Obama out as a Nerd
YouTube – John Hodgman at Radio & TV Correspondents’ Dinner.
Though we may not always agree. I am and forever shall be, your friend. Live long and prosper.
EndangeredPlanet.org Gallery and Mission
Jeremy & I spent a nice afternoon at a mini-gallery opening of Jeremy’s class artwork.